Pre-Owned Aircraft | 2019 Stemme S12 | N60EE

Stemme S12.  Great cross country glider, with over 18,000 OLC kilometers flown in the 2023 season.  No waiting for a tow plane.  Self-launch and fly to good soaring at over 100 knots under engine power.  This is s/n 12-025, built in 2019. 134 hours on engine, 501.7 total time.  $410,000 OBO (a new S12 costs over $550k).  Glider is hangered in Minden, NV.

Avionics:  LX9070 w/HAWK, Wi-Fi, flap indicator, V8 Vario, ClearNav Vario, 2 oxygen bottles, Garmin Aera 660 and ADS/B in, Trig Mode-S Transponder w/ADS-B out, PowerFlarm with two antennas, fuel flow indicator, extra battery for extended soaring, Dynon EFIS and AUTOPILOT (autopilot works for powered flight only, sorry).

Options:  Manifold Pressure gage, solar panels, ELT (currently not installed), PU paint, electric trim, Lithium-Iron-Phosphate batteries, indoor and outdoor canopy covers, folding wings, no trailer, Leather interior with acoustic insulation mats.

Last annual 5/2023 by Wes Chumley.

The S12 includes many improvements over the old S10/VT, including wider landing gear, a baggage area in the tail, autopilot, tail ballast tank, and most important, better performance with 25 meter wings.  See for details and specs

Price:  $380,000.00

Serial Number: 12-025 Registration: N60EE Year Manufactured: 2019

Specifications below:

Garmin Aera 660 LX9070 w/HAWK Dynon Autopilot
LX Flap Sensor LX Wifi Module Additional Battery (20Ah)
ADS-B In/Out Baggage Compartment 25m Wingspan


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